"Thanks to Jean Edwards help on the migration project – it’s been one of the smoothest I’ve worked on."

"The advent of our new line of business application, SICS, was a challenging undertaking and we were fortunate to have the expertise of JEC for our digital transformation."

Data Management Consultants

Data Migration

Data migration is a complex process that must be performed with the highest integrity, precision, and attention to detail. Utilising proven tools developed in-house, JE provide exceptional end-to-end migration services using a fully developed methodology supplying reliable and robust results for any given source and target system. The approach utilises a series of mass load data cycles that increase in accuracy and complexity with each iteration.

Our tools and methodical approach are fully configurable and can be specifically tailored to suit all business needs and requirements. Various projects have had the benefit of our extensive migration experience and expertise including sources such as legacy systems, document management systems and excel spreadsheets.

Multinational Reinsurer

Ten years' worth of contract and accounting data from two legacy systems (one bespoke, one unsupported) was merged and migrated into a modern application framework, with links to a new reporting and GL system. Data quality issues were resolved via extensive work in partnership with the client to ensure consistency. A key deliverable was to identify issues with previously-booked financial movements, identify the root cause and implement solutions at the appropriate level to avoid unnecessary restatement of account for closed years.

Bermudian Reinsurer

This was a single-phase project where underwriting, claims and accounting data was successfully migrated from their legacy application into a their new back-office platform.

London Market Syndicate

JE successfully consolidated data from over 20 syndicates and seven legacy systems (with data and technology going back to the 1980s), migrating to one system to manage all data under a single claims, accounting and reporting system. Data quality – in particular ensuring the data was sufficient for incoming London Market message processing, reporting requirements and recovery calculations – was a key focus and required a close partnership, especially when moving incomplete data from unsupported and undocumented systems.


Effective reconciliation of data is a crucial aspect of any data management activity, be it proving the success of a data migration, user-testing support or identifying discrepancies within current integrated systems.

Our Reconciliation Tool can be configured and connected to any source and target system resulting in an extensive report detailing mismatches at anything from business unit level down to a field-by-field basis. Numerous clients have overcome data challenges and improved data quality and accuracy with the assistance of our reconciliation expertise.

System Integrations

Expectations for integration and collaboration between systems is now just as important as any other business interaction. At Jean Edwards, we understand the significance of effective system integration and have a full team of developers at hand to ensure this is completed in the most professional and efficient way possible.

Our team has encountered and successfully exchanged data with systems ranging from DB/2 to big data in the cloud, and from three decades old, unsupported, undocumented legacy systems to AI and beyond, and is, therefore, fully equipped to support all technical architecture.

Bridge between core reinsurance applications

This project involved creating a full one-way integration from the custom-made underwriting platform to the main reinsurance application.

GL Interface

This was a single-phase project where a new application was developed in order to ensure data flow from core reinsurance application into the General Ledger systems.

Run-off business migration

Jean Edwards successfully took on the challenge of bringing together data from seven various legacy systems (with data going back to the 1980s) and migrating it all into one within 14 months.

Data Audits and Validation/Clean up

Data is central to all business interactions and process management in all industries, however, the quality and suitability for such data is not always so easily identifiable. By incorporating an expert combination of business analysis skills and technical resources, Jean Edwards provide exceptional data auditing and validation services, providing full end-to-end analysis and recommendations upon completion. All our services can be specifically customised for any business needs and requirements.